Who the hell are you, Skeeve?
I'm a 44-year-old National League (ex-Conference Premier) analyst. I've studied sociology and worked as a journalist, a copywriter and a screenwriter before I became Skeeve full-time many years ago.

What's with the name?
Skeeve was the name of a character in a fantasy novel 'Another fine myth' written by Robert Asprin. It was the first nickname I could think of when I had to choose one for a forum registration back in 2005. Asprin's Skeeve turned out to be quite good at magic as well.

Since when have you been analysing non-league football?
It feels like yesterday. Since 2006 though.

Are you any good?
One of the best out there. Not my words. If you want numbers, I've made +678 points profit (2266 picks, 9.9% ROI, 728% ROC) in seventeen consecutive profitable seasons and then one losing season with the pre-match picks - that's at recorded odds, which are usually the worst possible odds you can catch. An excel sheet with all official picks since the 2010/11 season and their respective "pre-mail", officially recorded and closing odds is available here.

What's your recommended betting bank?
I'm currently recommending a fourty-point bank. The advised bank was 100 points until May 2010, 80 points until May 2014, 60 points until May 2017, 50 points until May 2018, 40 points until May 2020 and 50 points until June 2022. Starting with the 2022/23 season, the recommended bank is 40 points again as I'm now advising all picks as 2pt bets or smaller.

When are you sharing your picks?
Starting with the 2019/20 season, I'm waiting to see the team sheets (an hour or less prior to kick-off) before pulling the proverbial trigger.

So you're covering the National League (ex-Conference Premier), right?

Why Conference? Why not Premier League, Championship, Swedish hockey, Ukranian volleyball?
Because I've been following English non-league football for quite a few years now and I know all there is to know about every team in the Conference, so I'll simply stick to what I'm best at.

Who can guarantee these are actually the right stats?
I was posting my non-league picks & previews on my old blog, on the Betting Advice forum, on the ex-Punters' Paradise forum (I was a resident tipster there) and on the Laka Lovica forum (I was a moderator there) between December 2006 and September 2007 and all of the picks starting with October 2007 have been independently monitored and verified, by the Betting Advice surveillance team between October 2007 and May 2010, by Joseph Buchdahl's Sports Tipsters from August 2012 until it's closure in June 2015, by BetRush between October 2016 and May 2019 and by the highly rated Smart Betting Clubsince March 2008.

Can I get the recorded odds? How does that work in reality?
You can get even better odds as I'm recording all official odds with a sixty-second delay, with Pinnacle only, when the liquidity is at it's strongest (shortly before kick-off). If you're quick and have some useful accounts with fair bookmakers/exchanges/brokers, you'll do great.

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Do you want buy fix match? It's 1000% true, no scam, I make many mony on this. Trust me.
F*** off.

Bloody hell, that's a horrible run in the last few months. Have you ever experienced anything like it in the past?
Many times.

You really are the best. Amazing picks lately! What's your secret?

A bit of talent (I guess), plenty of hard work and some experience as well. It's not always like this though - I'll have some bad runs as well.

Okay, can I join?
You can - feel free to send an email to skeevepicks@gmail.com.

I have more questions.
Good. Don't hesitate to ask.
